
I’m a nerdy Salesforce Software Engineer, currently with eTouch Systems contracted to YouTube. I’m very passionate about technology, specifically Salesforce as of late, and I have been able to achieve several certifications and am looking forward to growing my career alongside Salesforce! Also a sports fan and have been known to binge watch TV on Netflix. I started this blog to help track my journey from just an ordinary guy up to Salesforce architect. Hoping to help and entertain others along the way!

Here are some additional posts about me:




Certification Verification: http://certification.salesforce.com/verification?&fullname=adam%20olshansky

Trailhead: http://sforce.co/2jddfzr

Contact: adam@adamtoarchitect.com
Twitter: @adam17amo
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/adamolshansky

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